Saturday, August 13, 2016

Granies aboating by Inge Look

This nice card of the Granies aboating by Inge Look was sent to me by my friend Ella. The occasion was the International Postcrossing Meeting in Helsinki, aptly brought out and shown on the pictorial postmark alongside.


  1. As claimed by Stanford Medical, It is really the one and ONLY reason women in this country get to live 10 years longer and weigh on average 42 lbs lighter than us.

    (And realistically, it has totally NOTHING to do with genetics or some secret-exercise and absolutely EVERYTHING about "HOW" they are eating.)

    P.S, What I said is "HOW", and not "WHAT"...

    CLICK this link to find out if this easy quiz can help you release your true weight loss potential

  2. Wow! Look at that amazing cancellation mark!
