Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Germany - The only lighthouse with fog bell.

Pingelturm Lighthouse at the mouth of the Weser in Lower Saxony Bremerhaven is a seaport. As such, its external appearance is naturally characterized by lighthouses. The most northerly lighthouse is located to the south of the entrance to the Caesar`s Lock which leads to the Caesar`s Harbor and Connection Harbor. This is the beacon "Caesar`s Lock East light ”, in the vernacular called "Pingelturm”. Its architecture is very attractive and the beacon is a veritable unique specimen with its external fog bell. Incidentally, the bell still operates when it is foggy. Then it rings four times in rapid succession. The lighthouse is simply unmistakable in its entire appearance. The red brick building with a height of approximately 15 m, dating from the year 1900 and conceived by the harbour architect Rudloff, is easily recognizable from afar at the dyke.
It is a tapered round brick tower with lantern and gallery, the lantern crowned with a spike like that of an Imperial Army helmet. Lighthouse unpainted red brick with white false window casings; the lantern is green. The original fog bell, still active (4 strokes every 10 s), is mounted on the side of the tower. The elegant turn-of-the-century architecture of this lighthouse makes it a unique historic treasure. The light guides ships into the Kaiserhafen, a protected harbor in downtown Bremerhaven entered through a lock, the Kaiserschleuse. The familiar sound of the fog bell has given the lighthouse the local nicknames of Klingelturm or Pingelturm. Located on the east side of the harbor entrance, on the north side of downtown Bremerhaven. This nice card was sent to me by Ina from Germany.

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