Friday, February 04, 2011

San Giulio Island

San Giulio Island (Isola di San Giulio) is an island within Lake Orta in Piedmont, northwestern Italy. The island is 275 meters long (north/south), and is 140 meters wide (east/west). The largest structure on the island is the Basilica of Saint Giulio. The large island, just west of the lakeshore village of Orta San Giulio, has some very picturesque buildings, and takes its name from a local saint (Julius of Novara), who lived in the fourth century. In the 9th century the bishop of Novara built the Basilica of Saint Giulio on the island. William of Volpiano (Saint William of Dijon) was born here in 962, in the family citadel located on the island.
According to the legend, a big serpent that destroyed everything dominated the Island of St. Giulio. But when St. Giulio, who had the power to command the waves, the storms, wild animals and human beings, arrived near the lake, waving his hand. He chased away the dangerous and menacing animal. He reached the Island journeying over the water on his cloak guided by his staff. The big reptile disappeared and St. Giulio, tired and near to his death, thought that the island was the right place to build his hundredth and last church dedicated to the Holy Apostles. The Island of San Giulio is today a place of great mysticism. Here was born in 962 William of Volpiano, during the siege to Queen Willa by Emperor Otto, King Berengario II's wife, who had taken the Island from the Bishop of Novara. The big central building was a Castle. The island was the governor 's seat that represented the bishop. In 1842 it was destroyed to build a seminary in its place. Now there is a Benedictin monastery that helps giving more mystic power to a place that is by nature immersed in the silence. This pretty card was sent to me by Barbara.

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