Thursday, October 31, 2013

Queen Louise's Bridge

Lithuania and Russia are  connected by the Queen Louise's Bridge over Nemunas River at Panemune (in Lituania) and Sovetsk (Russia).
The bridge is named after the Prussian Queen who in 1807 brokered a peace between Napoleon, Czar Alexander I and Prussian King Friedrich Wilhelm III, on a raft on the river Memel. It is probably the best-known landmark of modern Tilsit or Sovetsk.
At this boundary Russia has changed side a few times politically. Until 1918-1920 Russia was on the northern side, but after the end of World War II she appeared on the southern side. At that time Lithuania was occupied and became officially a Soviet republic. Since 1991 Lithuania is an independent country.
Thank you Olga for this nice card.