Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Color TV Camera

The color TV camera converts the brightness, hue and color saturation of the image, transferring them into electrical signals. It is the physical realization that each color is represented by appropriate mixing of the three primary colors Red, Green and Blue.
Color television is part of the history of television, the technology of television and practices associated with television's transmission of moving images in color video. In its most basic form, a color broadcast can be created by broadcasting three monochrome images, one each in the three colors of red, green and blue (RGB). When displayed together or in rapid succession, these images will blend together to produce a full color image as seen by the viewer.

This maximum cover with the special stamp postmarked 16.6.1982 commemorates the colour TV camera during a Soccer match in Germany involving the Argentinian team also.

Thank you Maria for this interesting card.