Sunday, March 03, 2013

Lake Päijänne

Lake Päijänne is the second largest lake in Finland lake (1,080 km2 (266,874 acres)). The lake drains into the Gulf of Finland via the Kymi River. The major islands are from north to south Vuoritsalo, Muuratsalo, Onkisalo, Judinsalo, Edessalo, Taivassalo, Haukkasalo, Vehkasalo, Mustassalo, Virmailansaari and Salonsaari. The largest island is Virmailansaari. The word saari means an island. Salo meant before a great island, nowadays it means a great forest area.
Largest city on the shores of Päijänne is Jyvaskyla in the North. The city of Lahti is connected to Päijänne through Lake Vesijärvi and Vääksy canal. An underground, Päijänne Water Tunnel, connects the lake to Helsinki, providing the capital area with water. The deepest point in any lake in Finland is located in Päijänne (95.3 m).
That Päijänne is a famous boating, canoeing and sailing attraction is well portrayed by the sailing enthusiasts in the picture on this card sent to me byHeli.