Friday, January 11, 2013

Fox Bay - Bay of the Black Sea

Fox Bay - Bay of the Black Sea,lies  between the mountain ranges of Kara-Dag and Meganom. Fox harbor - this is probably the most famous beach in the Crimea, which is a girded foot sand strip Echki Dagh. Of course, in the Crimea in general a lot of wonderful beaches with the same soft sand and gentle sea, but only on Lieske reigns true spirit of carelessness and emancipation.  The Fox Bay you can relax as you wish: if you want - live in a tent, if you want - go ahead naked on the beach, if you want - hang with a backpack on the beach or beat the tambourine, drink beer, bathe in the sea and so on and so forth. However, nudity - this is not an obligatory component of the beach, you want - relax dressed, and in any way you want.
Thank you Eugenia for a pretty card.