Monday, July 16, 2012

Sauna Accessories

The wooden accessories are beautifully handcrafted of Finnish pine and Finnish craftsmanship. A bucket and dipper are essential Sauna accessories. A dipper or two of water splashed over hot Sauna stones creates vapor, that promotes perspiration to flush the pores. It also transforms the hot dry air into a comfortable moist atmosphere. Without the use of water, the bather cannot enjoy a truly authentic Sauna experience. Since the buckets are made of natural wood, which has a tendency to expand and contract in the heat of the Sauna, heavy duty bucket liner’s are recommended in order to prevent leakage. Occasionally one uses leafy, fragrant boughs of silver birch called vihta in West Finland and vasta in East Finland to gently beat oneself. This has a relaxing effect on the muscles and also helps in calming the effects of mosquito bites. This pretty card was sent to me by Raija.