Monday, June 25, 2012

Swiss Quality Emblem

This "maximum card" of Switzerland, showing the commemorative stamp of 40 cents denomination commemorating 50 years of "Swiss Quality Emblem (showing traditional "Armbrust" (Crossbow), with  which William Tell had killed "Gestler", who according to legend put an apple on the head of the son of William Tell and ordered the father (William Tell) to shoot the
apple, you certainly know the legend! The Swiss people believe in the legend, but there is not a single person called "Tell" who lived in the past or is living in Switzerland today!). The emblem (Trademark) Armbrust was introduced for the first time in 1931.This Armbrust Signet ensures the buyers that the product which they have purchased is genuine, and is made in Switzerland. In 1981 this signet celebrated its 50th anniversary. Thank you Maria for this interesting maxicard.