Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Namibia – Luderitz Lighthouse

The German merchant Adolf Lüderitz founded Lüderitz, originally known as Angra Pequena, in 1883 as a trading base. The town's significance increased tremendously with the discovery of diamonds in the area in 1908, which lead to a big diamond rush. Today, the only landmark bearing testimony to an era of wealth and lavish colonial lifestyles is the ghost town of Kolmanskop, 10 km inland from Lüderitz, which is slowly being buried by sand. Lüderitz on the other hand, survived as a fishing town. However, tales of its former glory and its rich German colonial history has made it a very popular tourist destination. The resort is situated on Shark Peninsula, with an excellent view over the bay, town and harbour. Maria, sent me this card.