Thursday, May 05, 2011

Cyprus – Euro Coins

A slight digression from postcards. But, I just could not stop myself from sharing these beautiful coins with you. I am sure numismatists would appreciate it. Beautifull FRESH and NEW UNCIRCULATED coins from the original rolls in 2008. This is official and original legal money within the euro-zone! Issued by Cyprus the New Euro Country in 2008 - Brand New 8 Coins Euro Set, presented to me by my Dear Friend Merja. The coins are displayed here, both sides showing. The description of the Coins in brief is as follows:-
The Mouflon : a subspecies group of the wild sheep Ovis orientalis . Populations of Ovis orientalis can be partitioned into the mouflons ( orientalis group) and urials or arkars. The Kyrenia ship: a wreck of a 4th century BC Greek merchant ship that sank in open waters less than a mile from the anchorage of Kyrenia .The Idol of Pomos: a prehistoric sculpture from the Cypriot Village of Pomos. It dates back to the Chalcolithic period, circa the 30th Century BC .
€ 0.01€ 0.02 € 0.05 The Mouflon € 0.10 € 0.20 € 0.50 The Kyrenia ship
€ 1.00 € 2.00 The Idol of Pomos